Submit a Complaint for CEs

The Utah Center for Evidence Based Treatment (UCEBT) is fully committed to conducting all activities in strict conformance with the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists.  

UCEBT will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants.  

The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of the Program Administrator in consultation with the members of the Continuing Education Program committee and the UCEBT Ethics committee. 

While UCEBT goes to great lengths to assure fair treatment for all participants and attempts to anticipate problems, there will be occasional issues which come to the attention of the event staff which require intervention and/or action from UCEBT.  

Procedure for Submitting Complaints 

One critical part of UCEBT’s mission is to improve the quality of mental health care by disseminating quality standards via training, research, and provision of expert consultation.   

To that end, UCEBT’s Continuing Education events strive to abide by the codes of ethics and rules of conduct of the professional organizations that allow us to approve and sponsor our continuing education events. 

The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards is the responsibility of the Continuing Education Program Administrator. 

If you have a complaint about a presenter, a staff member, provided facilities, or the company as a whole, please follow this procedure: 

All complaints should be submitted via email:  

  • Send your email to
  • In the subject line, please type “Complaint: (title of event or other concern)”; 
  • In your email, please specify: 
    • The source of the complaint; 
    • If there is anything you would like us to do to rectify the issue (exp. refund, changes to the presentation slides, an apology, informing the offending party); 
    • Whether or not you would like to remain anonymous as we rectify the issue (not always possible depending on how the concern is rectified); 
    • Whether or not you would like to be notified of the status of the issue as we seek to rectify it; 
  • Regardless of what we are able to do to rectify the problem, we will use your complaint as part of our ongoing process of improving our services. 

Please note: It is also possible to write your complaints in the course evaluation forms. Please be aware that these forms are anonymous, and we can’t respond to any complaints made through them. However, we will take any complaints submitted via course evaluation forms as seriously as we do those submitted to us directly. 

Regarding refunds for continuing education events: In the case that a refund is given for any reason, the Program Administrator will determine if a certificate of attendance may still be issued to the individual receiving the refund. Certificates may be refused to individuals submitting a grievance only if the individual did not or will not complete the full set of requirements for receiving the certificate. 

Regarding conflicts of interest: Presenters do not have access to either email listed above. The concern or CE event that is indicated in the email subject will determine by whom the complaint will be reviewed. For example, if an individual indicates a complaint regarding an event presented by Dr. Laura Rowley, then Dr. Rowley will not be among the individuals reviewing and planning to rectify the concern. If an individual indicates a complaint regarding the programming, then the individual in charge of programming will not be among those reviewing and planning to rectify the concern.