Jennifer Van Gorp

Jennifer Van Gorp

This 12-week virtual group uses the evidence-based therapy approach Skills Training in Affect and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR) for individuals currently experiencing distress from trauma. Taught by Cristina Chévere-Rivera, Psy.D. and Stephanie Taylor, Ph.D., this group is geared toward adults who are currently in therapy or who are transitioning out of therapy.

At the end of these 12-weeks, you will have:

  • Enhanced coping skills to navigate distress and regulate difficult emotions. 
  • The skills to make decisions based on important values instead of being emotionally driven.  
  • Healthy ways of relating across social, professional, and personal contexts. 

Through this group, you will also learn:

  • How to have increased emotional awareness. 
  • How the interconnection of body, thoughts, and behaviors can impact your life.
  • What self-compassion is and how you can use it to help yourself in challenging situations. 

This virtual group meets weekly for 12-weeks. The cost is $65/weekly session.

Next group begins April 6, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

To register, complete the online form so that we may contact you to make sure you're a good fit for this program.,

Sign up for this group.


Cloitre, M., Cohen, L. R., Ortigo, K. M., Jackson, C., & Koenen, K. C. (2020). Treating survivors of childhood abuse and interpersonal trauma: STAIR narrative therapy. Guilford Publications. 

Jackson, C., Weiss, B. J., & Cloitre, M. (2019). STAIR group treatment for Veterans with PTSD: Efficacy and impact of gender on outcome. Military medicine, 184(1-2), e143-e147. 

MacIntosh, H. B., Cloitre, M., Kortis, K., Peck, A., & Weiss, B. J. (2018). Implementation and evaluation of the skills training in affective and interpersonal regulation (STAIR) in a community setting in the context of childhood sexual abuse. Research on Social Work Practice, 28(5), 595-602. 


As part of our Assessment and Testing Services, UCEBT offers Giftedness and High Stakes Testing. Here are some of our most frequently asked questions regarding these services:

Do you offer IQ testing for giftedness evaluations?  

Yes. UCEBT's psychoeducational evaluations can be used to identify intellectual giftedness. Many parents explore giftedness testing to see if their child is eligible for specialized gifted programs or schools. Here are some things to consider if giftedness assessment is right for your child: 

  • Giftedness assessment includes standardized cognitive testing (IQ testing) as a component of a comprehensive evaluation 
  • Giftedness assessment also includes parent and teacher reports, observations, academic achievement testing, and assessment of child’s strengths, learning style, and educational needs 
  • Giftedness assessment provides recommendations for educational and enrichment resources to help each child meet their unique potential  

Do you offer services for twice exceptional (2e) individuals?  

Yes. UCEBT evaluations can determine whether individuals are twice exceptional, meaning that they are intellectually gifted and also have a learning disability or other forms of neurodivergence, such as autism or ADHD. Twice exceptionality requires specialized training in understanding the complex presentations of strengths and weaknesses and providing tailored recommendations for education and intervention planning.  

Do you offer assessment for individuals seeking high stakes testing accommodations?  

Yes. UCEBT evaluations can provide data and documentation needed to apply for accommodations on high stakes tests. High stakes tests include standardized exams such as the SAT, ACT, GRE, MCT, etc. Individuals with documented learning disabilities that have had accommodations in school at times require updated testing to support standardized test accommodations, such as extended time. UCEBT recommendations for accommodations to do not guarantee that they will be provided by the testing officials. It is advised that individuals seeking such accommodations familiarize themselves with the requirements for specific tests. More information can be found at the following links:  

Learn more about Giftedness or High Stakes Testing at UCEBT with a free consultation. Simply complete this online form and a member of our staff will reach out to you to schedule your free consultation with one of our licensed psychologists.

July 22, 2022

Healing for Helpers

We are excited to offer our upcoming program, "Healing for Helpers: Skills to Promote Growth and Purpose for Workers in High-Stress Healthcare" to our local healthcare community! Dr. Carl Sallee will be leading this group program to teach psychological skills for healthcare workers in high-stress work situations. The skills taught in this program are based on Acceptance and Commitment therapy which is an evidence-based intervention with proven success in decreasing overall workplace distress in healthcare workers (see the research below!).

What: Group for learning psychological skills
Duration: 8-weeks
When: Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.., starting September 6, 2022 
Where: Virtual or In-Person; Utah Center for Evidence Based Treatment, 170 South 1000 East Suite 201, Salt Lake City, Utah
Price: $35/week
Classes taught by: Dr. Carl Sallee, Licensed Clinical Psychologist


This group is for you if any of the following resonate with your experience:  

  • You are in a healthcare profession because you care about any of the following things: helping people, being someone who facilitates healing, being a compassionate person, being an empathic person, advocating for vulnerable/sick/hurting people, learning about humanity through science/discovery, or any other significant guiding value/moral. 
  • You experience high stress situations/events on the job that are very difficult to manage because they cause strong painful emotions and they tend to stick in your mind even when you don’t want to be thinking about them so often. OR, if you haven’t experienced something like this, because of the nature of your job, you wouldn’t be surprised if you do experience something like this in the future. 
  • You care about being the best possible version of yourself both on and off the job, but you find it very difficult to do so because showing up to work or life involves feeling strong and painful emotions on a regular basis.  
  • You frequently find yourself stuck in your own head, which can be distracting and distressing at times. 
  • You are in a healthcare profession but you sometimes feel lost, unsure about your purpose, or like you are just “going through the motions.” 

At the end of 8 weeks, you will:

  • Develop skills to foster meaning and fulfillment in your professional life through clarifying the values that motivate you and identifying creative and flexible ways to whole-heartedly pursue these values even in the face of barriers, stress, or painful emotions. 
  • Learn evidence-based skills that help you stay mindfully grounded, stable, and present amidst highly stressful situations, such that the painful emotions involved do not overwhelm you or throw you off course. 
  • Learn evidence-based skills that help you get un-stuck from thought loops and ruminations that are unhelpful when it comes to your ability to stay engaged in what matters most to you in life. 
  • Develop a deeper level of self-compassion that will ultimately also help you be more effective at showing compassion and care for the people you serve in your job. 
  • Decrease your overall level of distress because you will learn skills to effectively move through the expected stressors of your job in a way that helps you grow, rather than exacerbates the initial stress. 


This group primarily uses an evidence-based therapy called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

  • Research findings showed ACT led to reduced workplace burnout through fostering self-compassion, mindfulness, and values as mediators. Skills in ACT that build self-compassion, mindfulness, and clarity about one’s values were connected to lower mental weariness, which is connected to less workplace burnout:

Prudenzi A, Graham CD, Flaxman PE, Wilding S, Day F, O’Connor DB (2022) A workplace Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention for improving healthcare staff psychological distress: A randomised controlled trial. PLoS ONE 17(4): e0266357. 

  • ACT has also been shown to reduce psychological distress for folks working in direct client care healthcare positions, who have a high baseline level of distress about their work: 

Reeve, A., Tickle, A. and Moghaddam, N. (2018), "Are acceptance and commitment therapy-based interventions effective for reducing burnout in direct-care staff? A systematic review and meta-analysis", Mental Health Review Journal, Vol. 23 No. 3, pp. 131-155. 

  • Increasing psychological flexibility through ACT intervention has evidence for decreasing overall work-related distress: 

Flaxman, & Bond, F. W. (2010). A randomised worksite comparison of acceptance and commitment therapy and stress inoculation training. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(8), 816–820. 

  • Studies support that emotional acceptance skills (which are taught in this group) are connected to lowered physical and mental/emotional panic symptoms during acute states of stress;
  • Longitudinal research suggests that low emotional acceptance skill are connected to higher degrees of psychological distress in long-term follow-up after going through highly negative events. Conversely, high skill in emotional acceptance correlated to a significant decrease in PTSD symptoms for Veterans, regardless of combat exposure. Put in simple terms, evidence suggests that one of the core skills taught in this ACT group, acceptance of painful emotions, leads to less psychological impairment following stressful events;
  • Willingness to feel painful emotions during and after high stress situations has been identified as an adaptive coping process that helps people adjust after the situation, rather than staying stuck in high distress after the situation is over; and, 
  • In populations with high risk for developing depression, studies show that a high level of emotional acceptance (as a learned skill or baseline trait) is a protective factor against developing depression:

Shallcross, A. J., Troy, A. S., Boland, M., & Mauss, I. B. (2010). Let it be: Accepting negative emotional experiences predicts decreased negative affect and depressive symptoms. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(9), 921–929. 


July 11, 2022


Our mission here at UCEBT is to improve the quality of mental health care by enhancing access to comprehensive evidence-based treatments, evaluations, and testing; to this aim, we encourage our psychologists to be approved for PsyPact services. PsyPact is "designed to facilitate the practice of telepsychology and the temporary in-person, face-to-face practice of psychology across state boundaries". For more information about PsyPact, please CLICK HERE.

Psychologists that are PsyPact approved can provide telehealth services to residents (or travelers) in the following states

Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

UCEBT is proud to be able to offer the following psychologists for PsyPact telehealth services:

Carl Sallee, Psy.D.

Kalee Gross, Psy.D.

Kimberly Applewhite, Psy.D.

Laura Rowley, Ph.D.

Nicholas Schollars, Psy.D.

Rachel Hopkins, Psy.D.

Robin Lange, Ph.D.

Stephanie Taylor, Ph.D.

August can be a stressful time for neurodivergent students and their families as they ready themselves for a new school year, but it is also an opportunity to create new habits and supports to help students thrive. Join us for this upcoming event, "Back-to-School Playbook: Evidence-Based Strategies for Helping Neurodivergent Kids and Teens Succeed".

Date: Friday, August 19, 2022
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.. MST
Location: Virtual, via Zoom
Cost: $20.00
CEUs: 2.0 CEU pending approval by UPA, NASW-UT, UAMFT, and UMHCA.

Note: Everyone who registers will be emailed the recording, presentation slides, and CE Quiz within one week following the event.

About the presentation:

This talk will cover how the COVID-19 pandemic affected learning for individuals with autism and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and how students, parents, and teachers can work as a team to move forward with practical strategies for success.

Topics will include helpful accommodations in Section 504 and Individualized Education Plans, evidence-based classroom strategies that promote engagement, and skills to enhance relationships for students with their parents, teachers, and peers. Information includes tailoring intervention to the student’s development level, from children in elementary school to teens transitioning to college.

Throughout the 2 hour presentation, there will be space for questions and deeper discussion through attendee participation. There are no known risks to attendees or patients. As with all clinical work, attendees should be thoughtful about applying assessment strategies and obtain appropriate training and supervision.

Learning Statement:

At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees should be able to identify how ADHD and Autism affects school functioning and list practical strategies for parents, teachers, and students to enhance academic performance.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Describe how characteristics of ADHD and Autism affect school functioning;
  • List at least 4 school-based strategies to enhance engagement in the classroom and homework completion;
  • List at least 4 skills to enhance social relationships for students with ADHD and autism; and,
  • Describe at least 4 accommodations for neurodivergent students.


Adams, D., Young, K. & Keen, D. Anxiety in Children with Autism at School: a Systematic Review. Rev J Autism Dev Disord 6, 274–288 (2019).

ADDitude. Success at School for Children with ADHD and Learning Disabilities. 2012.

Davis, N.O., Kollins, S.H. Treatment for Co-Occurring Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neurotherapeutics 9, 518–530 (2012).

DuPaul GJ, Chronis-Tuscano A, Danielson ML, Visser SN. Predictors of Receipt of School Services in a National Sample of Youth With ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders. 2019;23(11):1303-1319. doi:10.1177/1087054718816169

Keen D, Webster A, Ridley G. How well are children with autism spectrum disorder doing academically at school? An overview of the literature. Autism. 2016;20(3):276-294. doi:10.1177/1362361315580962

Mayes, S.D., Waschbusch, D.A., Calhoun, S.L. et al. How Common are Academic Overachievement and Underachievement in Children with Autism or ADHD?. J Dev Phys Disabil 32, 775–783 (2020).

Rando, Heather; Huber, Mary J.; Oswald, Gina R.. An Academic Coaching Model Intervention for College Students on the Autism Spectrum. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, v29 n3 p257-262 Fall 2016

Tamm, L., Duncan, A., Vaughn, A. et al. Academic Needs in Middle School: Perspectives of Parents and Youth with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord 50, 3126–3139 (2020).

Ziegler Dendy, C., &Bailey E. The Ultiamte ADHD Toolkit for Parents & Teachers.

About the presenters:

Laura Rowley, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist. Laura obtained her doctorate from Wayne State University. She completed her APA-accredited internship and postdoctoral fellowship at Primary Children’s Hospital. Laura is currently the Program Director for the Assessment and Testing Team at Utah Center for Evidence Based Treatment, where she specializes in testing services for neurodiverse children and adults.

Nick Schollars PsyD is a licensed clinical psychologist. Coming from Newberg, Oregon, he completed his doctorate at George Fox University and his APA Internship at Saint Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, DC. He recently moved to Salt Lake City to join the Utah Center for Evidence Based Treatment with a specialty in assessment and testing.

Program Notices:

Conflicts of Interest: None noted.

Commercial Support: None.

July 07, 2022

Crisis Resources

  • Warm Line – (801) 587-1055
    • This phone number is for Salt Lake County residents who are not in crisis, but seeking support, engagement, or encouragement.
    • Certified Peer Specialists offer support and empower callers to resolve problems by fostering a sense of hope, dignity, and self-respect.
    • Callers may speak with peer specialists daily 9 am to 10 pm.
  • HMHI (Huntsman Mental Health Institute) crisis phone line – (801) 587-3000
    • Services are available 24/7 both locally and statewide as the Utah affiliate for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (dial "988" to immediately connect).
    • Licensed clinicians provide prompt and compassionate crisis intervention, suicide prevention, information and referrals as well as follow-up services, emotional support, and assistance to individuals experiencing emotional distress or psychiatric crisis.
  • HMHI (Huntsman Mental Health Institute) receiving center – 801-587-7988 (direct; or call crisis line)
    • A short-term (up to 23 hours) secure center providing therapeutic crisis management, an assessment based on strengths and psychiatric needs, medication intervention, and wellness recovery/discharge planning
  • Mobile crisis outreach team (MCOT) – call crisis line: (801) 587-3000
    • HMHI (Huntsman Mental Health Institute) MCOT provides a free, prompt, face-to-face response to any resident of Salt Lake County who is experiencing a behavioral health crisis
    • Youth and adult services teams are available 24/7 and offer consultation and support to individuals, families, schools, treatment providers and first responders
  • Emergency department – (801) 581-2291 (University of Utah); (801) 350-4111 (SL Regional Medical Center); (801) 408-1181 (LDS Hospital)
    • Refer a client to the ED if they have ingested alcohol, drugs, or medications, are unresponsive to skills, are unable to use the services above, or are in the midst of a crisis.
    • Calling the police or 911 can facilitate ambulance transport of a crisis if needed
  • Urgent crisis – call 911
    • When in doubt, call 911.
July 06, 2022

Healing for Helpers

Healing for Helpers: Skills to Promote Growth and Purpose for Workers in High-Stress Healthcare

What: Group for learning psychological skills
Duration: 8-weeks
When: Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., starting September 6, 2022
Where: Virtual or In-Person; Utah Center for Evidence Based Treatment, 170 South 1000 East Suite 201, Salt Lake City, Utah
Price: $35/week
Classes taught by: Dr. Carl Sallee, Licensed Clinical Psychologist


This group is for you if any of the following resonate with your experience:  

  • You are in a healthcare profession because you care about any of the following things: helping people, being someone who facilitates healing, being a compassionate person, being an empathic person, advocating for vulnerable/sick/hurting people, learning about humanity through science/discovery, or any other significant guiding value/moral. 
  • You experience high stress situations/events on the job that are very difficult to manage because they cause strong painful emotions and they tend to stick in your mind even when you don’t want to be thinking about them so often. OR, if you haven’t experienced something like this, because of the nature of your job, you wouldn’t be surprised if you do experience something like this in the future. 
  • You care about being the best possible version of yourself both on and off the job, but you find it very difficult to do so because showing up to work or life involves feeling strong and painful emotions on a regular basis.  
  • You frequently find yourself stuck in your own head, which can be distracting and distressing at times. 
  • You are in a healthcare profession but you sometimes feel lost, unsure about your purpose, or like you are just “going through the motions.” 

At the end of 8 weeks, you will:

  • Develop skills to foster meaning and fulfillment in your professional life through clarifying the values that motivate you and identifying creative and flexible ways to whole-heartedly pursue these values even in the face of barriers, stress, or painful emotions. 
  • Learn evidence-based skills that help you stay mindfully grounded, stable, and present amidst highly stressful situations, such that the painful emotions involved do not overwhelm you or throw you off course. 
  • Learn evidence-based skills that help you get un-stuck from thought loops and ruminations that are unhelpful when it comes to your ability to stay engaged in what matters most to you in life. 
  • Develop a deeper level of self-compassion that will ultimately also help you be more effective at showing compassion and care for the people you serve in your job. 
  • Decrease your overall level of distress because you will learn skills to effectively move through the expected stressors of your job in a way that helps you grow, rather than exacerbates the initial stress. 


The research:

This group primarily uses an evidence-based therapy called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Research findings showed ACT led to reduced workplace burnout through fostering self-compassion, mindfulness, and values as mediators. Skills in ACT that build self-compassion, mindfulness, and clarity about one’s values were connected to lower mental weariness, which is connected to less workplace burnout:

Prudenzi A, Graham CD, Flaxman PE, Wilding S, Day F, O’Connor DB (2022) A workplace Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention for improving healthcare staff psychological distress: A randomised controlled trial. PLoS ONE 17(4): e0266357. 

ACT has also been shown to reduce psychological distress for folks working in direct client care healthcare positions, who have a high baseline level of distress about their work: 

Reeve, A., Tickle, A. and Moghaddam, N. (2018), "Are acceptance and commitment therapy-based interventions effective for reducing burnout in direct-care staff? A systematic review and meta-analysis", Mental Health Review Journal, Vol. 23 No. 3, pp. 131-155. 

Increasing psychological flexibility through ACT intervention has evidence for decreasing overall work-related distress: 

Flaxman, & Bond, F. W. (2010). A randomised worksite comparison of acceptance and commitment therapy and stress inoculation training. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(8), 816–820. 

Studies support that emotional acceptance skills (which are taught in this group) are connected to lowered physical and mental/emotional panic symptoms during acute states of stress;

Longitudinal research suggests that low emotional acceptance skill are connected to higher degrees of psychological distress in long-term follow-up after going through highly negative events. Conversely, high skill in emotional acceptance correlated to a significant decrease in PTSD symptoms for Veterans, regardless of combat exposure. Put in simple terms, evidence suggests that one of the core skills taught in this ACT group, acceptance of painful emotions, leads to less psychological impairment following stressful events;

Willingness to feel painful emotions during and after high stress situations has been identified as an adaptive coping process that helps people adjust after the situation, rather than staying stuck in high distress after the situation is over; and, 

In populations with high risk for developing depression, studies show that a high level of emotional acceptance (as a learned skill or baseline trait) is a protective factor against developing depression:

Shallcross, A. J., Troy, A. S., Boland, M., & Mauss, I. B. (2010). Let it be: Accepting negative emotional experiences predicts decreased negative affect and depressive symptoms. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(9), 921–929. 


Healing for Helpers Skills to Promote Growth and Purpose for Health Care Workers 2

Join us on Friday, July 22, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. for this CEU virtual event featuring presentations from three of our psychologists! Free to attend or $20.00 for 2.0 CEUs pending approval by UPA, NASW-UT, UAMFT, and UMHCA. Everyone who registers will be emailed the recording, presentation slides, and CE Quiz within one week following the event.

This lecture will review the criteria and traditional conceptualizations of post-trauma reactions from the DSM-5 and discuss emerging research of less traditional conceptualizations of trauma.

Specifically, the presenters will explore post-trauma reactions in the context of relationships (e.g. related to betrayals and affairs); presenters will highlight the proposed criteria for complex trauma and discuss trauma-informed interventions that address its unique sequalae of symptoms; and presenters will discuss considerations of trauma-informed care for children and adolescents.

Learning Statement:

At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees should have a better understanding nontraditional forms of trauma including affairs and relationship distress; a better understanding of PTSD and C-PTSD/complex trauma disorder; and a better understanding of trauma-informed care for children and adolescents.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Review literature of trauma, PTSD, and the overlap between related conceptualizations
  • Gain a better understanding of complex trauma disorders
  • Identify considerations of trauma-informed care for children and adolescents


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).

Brown, E. J., & Campbell, C. L. (2009). Children’s refractory posttraumatic stress disorder: An ecological, evidence-based perspective. In D. McKay & E. Storch (Eds.), Cognitive behavior therapy for refractory cases in children and adolescents (pp. 201-229). New York, NY: Springer.

Cohen, J. A., Mannarino, A., P., & Deblinger, E. (2012). Trauma-Focused CBT for children and adolescents: Treatment applications. The Guilford Press: New York, NY.

Cook, A., Spinazzola, J., Ford, J., Lanktree, C., Blaustein, M., Cloitre, M., ... & Van Der Kolk, B. (2005). Complex trauma in children and adolescents. Psychiatric annals, 35(5), 390Kliethermes, M., Schacht, M., & Drewry, K. (2014). Complex trauma. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, 23(2), 339-361

Luyten, P., Campbell, C., & Fonagy, P. (2020). Borderline personality disorder, complex trauma, and problems with self and identity: A social‐communicative approach. Journal of Personality, 88(1), 88-105.

Nikulina, V., Hergenrother, J. M, Brown, E. J., Doyle, M. E., Filton, B. J., & Carson, G. S. (2008). From efficacy to effectiveness: The trajectory of the treatment literature for children with PTSD. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 8, 1233-1246.

About the presenters:

Stephanie Taylor, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in the treatment of trauma and its collateral effects. In addition to providing Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), Dr. Taylor recognizes the significant overlap between mind and body and often includes somatic therapies in session. A background in trauma has informed Dr. Taylor’s work with couples as well. She brings a trauma-informed perspective into session and offers couples therapy based in the Gottman Method. In addition, Dr. Taylor has a background in humanistic and existential therapy which has proven particularly helpful in the exploration of spirituality, meaning, identity, and sexual wellness.

Jordan Kugler, Ph.D, is a licensed clinical psychologist at UCEBT who specializes in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Prolonged Exposure (PE), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD (PTSD) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Jordan completed an APA accredited internship at the Salt Lake City VA healthcare system. Jordan has experience in several settings, including VA outpatient clinics, community mental health settings, student counseling centers and trauma-informed outpatient clinics. He has research and clinical interests in suicidal behavior and post-trauma reactions. Jordan’s therapeutic style is upbeat, collaborative and emphasizes identifying, developing and actualizing his client’s values.

Sloan Strike, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist at UCEBT who specializes in evidenced-based therapies with adolescents, young adults, and their families. Over her 12 years in New York City, Sloan specialized in providing family therapy and parenting support. She values working with youth and their families to create opportunities for improved communication and healthier relationships. She is also certified in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and has extensive training working with adolescents and young adults who have experienced trauma and suffer from anxiety and depression. Additionally, Dr. Strike is certified in The Gottman Method for couples therapy.

Program Notices:

Conflicts of Interest: None noted.

Commercial Support: None.

UCEBT Trauma, Stress, and Resilience (TSR) Program Director Open Position 

Job Type: Full-time 
Salary: $100,000-$120,000/year 
Hours: 40 hours per week 
Education: Doctorate (Required) 
License: Psychologist, Eligible in Utah (Required), PSYPACT (Preferred)  
Work authorization: United States (Required) 

About Us:

Utah Center for Evidence Based Treatment (UCEBT), a growing outpatient practice, is seeking a licensed outpatient Program Director-Therapist for our TSR Clinical Program. Specifically, we are looking for professionals with supervisory experience and expert training in evidence-based therapies for trauma treatment. Our TSR team is a thriving program with community ties to support the care of a range of individuals including: survivors of DV, sexual trauma, and childhood abuse and neglect; survivors of single-incident events such as car accidents and natural disasters; medical professionals; and victims of trauma related to race, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity. 

We are a multidisciplinary team of expertly trained professionals, including psychologists, nurse practitioners, doctoral trainees, and expert consultants. Our work is based on a core set of values including specialized care, scientific rigor, accountability, and data-based results. UCEBT staff have access to extensive training and experience in the treatment and management of a wide range of mental health difficulties across the lifespan. In addition to providing clinical services, many of our staff provide supervision to trainees, offer expert community consultation, and hold faculty appointments at the University of Utah. 

UCEBT is dedicated to fostering a diverse, vibrant, and responsive work environment. Employees are able to designate preferences for in-person care, telehealth, or hybrid scheduling. We adapt to support the individual and family needs of our staff, including flexible work schedules and opportunities for advancement and innovation. Employee happiness and work-life balance are regularly discussed in meetings and supported through our center policies.   

For Applicants:

Interested candidates should have a terminal degree (e.g., PhD/PsyD) in Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, School Psychology, or a related mental health field. Candidates must be license eligible to practice in the State of Utah and PSYPACT is preferred. Interpersonal warmth, openness to feedback and interest in continual learning are essential. Candidates should be highly attentive, self-assured, and proactive, with solid decision-making skills and adept clinical judgement. Candidates from diverse backgrounds and/or with specific skillsets in treating diverse populations are encouraged to apply. The clinician will have the opportunity to see clients in the age range of their interest(s), including children, adolescents, and adults.  


  • 100% premium covered by UCEBT for personal health insurance, vision and dental 
  • Retirement savings with company contribution 
  • Paid annual training stipend  
  • Licensure renewal assistance and CEU tracking  
  • Monthly group wellness activity  
  • Flexible schedule  
  • Costco membership  
  • Monthly phone reimbursement of $50  
  • Unlimited paid time off  
  • Paid holidays  
  • Ongoing didactic training 
  • Short Term Disability insurance coverage  
  • One month of paid sabbatical leave  
  • Option to work in multiple locations, including remote telepsychology practice  
  • Company retreats 


  • 2 years post licensure (or close) 
  • Evidence of advanced training and expertise for modalities used in treating trauma 
  • Willingness to train others internally and externally 
  • Willingness to network within the community and nationally  

Responsibilities include:    

  • Plans, develops, implements and maintains vision and day-to-day operations of clinical program. 
  • Ensures expertise of team members with ongoing oversight and coordination of trainings in Program area. 
  • In conjunction with outreach coordinator, develops and implements public relations and outreach plan for specific program 
  • Provides oversight and timely consultation for urgent clinical issues that arise with the clients and clinicians within their program. 
  • Implements agency-wide QA and Outcome Measurement initiatives within their program. Supports clinicians to make data-informed clinical decisions in client care.
  • Provision of direct clinical care within your program. 
  • Provision of direct clinical care to a smaller caseload of clients from at least one other Program (DBT, Anxiety & Mood Disorders or Assessment & Testing). 
  • Manages program budget  
  • Representation of program at weekly meetings of Program Directors 
  • Liaison between administrative departments and Program Directors through representation at weekly meetings 
  • Occasional on-call evening or weekend coverage. 
  • Conducts psychological assessments for children and/or adults 
  • Manages a caseload within UCEBT expectations  
  • Completes documentation in a timely manner 
  • Exemplifies conduct consistent with UCEBT values of professionalism, collaboration, and compassionate care 


  • Psychology licensure in Utah (required)  
  • Must have valid driver’s license in the state of Utah and means of transportation  
  • Formal training and expertise in evidence-based treatments 
  • Specialty training or certification in a clinical area of expertise (e.g. EMDR, PE, CPT, TF-CBT) 
  • Demonstrated program and supervisory experience  
  • Ability to read and communicate effectively in English  
  • Strong written and verbal skills  
  • Basic computer knowledge  
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills to work effectively on interdisciplinary projects  
  • Critical decision making/problem-solving skills  
  • Knowledge of DSM-5 diagnoses/disorders  

Workplace Requirements:   

  • Sitting 70-75% and Standing 25-30%  
  • Occasionally lifting objects such as boxes or client charts  
  • Walking up and down stairs  
  • Need access to Telehealth compliant work area, laptop, private internet access  

This position requires a thorough knowledge of law, regulations, and ethics related to the provision of mental health services.  Candidate will be expected to acquire this knowledge immediately if hired:  

  • The operations manual of UCEBT, particularly issues of client relations and privacy.  
  • HIPAA- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)- Regulations & Standards Utah State Law regarding mental health, particularly related to consent to treatment and maintenance of health care information-Title 62A Utah Human Services Code: Chapter 15 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Act.  
  • The American Psychological Association Ethics of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (or field-appropriate equivalent).  

Interested applicants are invited to submit a cover letter, CV, and the names/contact information of 2-3 professional references to . Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and will continue until the position is filled.  

Utah Center for Evidence Based Treatment is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by federal, state, or local laws.  

This policy applies to all employment practices within our organization, including hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, leave of absence, compensation, benefits, and training. Utah Center for Evidence Based Treatment makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time. 

Join us on Friday, June 17 from 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. MST for our webinar, "Holding Space for Pride: Best Practices in Intersectional LGBTQ+ Affirmative Care". 

To commemorate LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, this presentation will discuss best practices in queer affirmative care. We will discuss the latest updates in identity development and protective factors of the community, as well as discuss intersectionality of religious and ethnic culture as it relates to members of our community. 

This presentation will present up-to-date research on topics affecting LGBTQ+ individuals in the context of treatment, as well as provide best practices and model therapeutic approaches for intersectional topics (e.g. race, gender, relationship configuration, religious belief).

By the end of this presentation, attendees should be able to:

1) Identify key aspects of sexuality development, gender development, and identify development in the LGBTQ+ population;

2) Describe three ways of applying evidence-based principles from research or tailoring existing interventions for intersectional LGBTQ+ populations; and,

3) Identify resources for seeking additional consultation and learning for building competence in working with LGBTQ+ population.

About the presenters:

Kimberly Applewhite, PsyD, school-clinical child psychology. Kimberly specializes in intersectional and multicultural perspectives in applying evidence-based treatment to individuals from marginalized populations.

Tyler Lefevor, PhD, counseling psychology. Tyler's specialties are in research methods, multiculturalism/diversity, and LGBTQ mental health.

Both presenters have clinical and research interests in religious intersections in the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Register here: